Thursday, April 11, 2013

Pen(t)ing it Out

Long time no blog. Discipline is not exactly one of my core strengths has been established long time back. But then writing is not something that comes to me every day. Its triggered only when something happens and the weight of that something is so big, that I feel the need to pen(t) it out.

So, what is it that’s hit me so bad that I feel the urge to write today? It’s the subtle realization that there is no bigger crime in the world than theft. Every other crime is related to it. When you lie, you steal a person’s right to the truth. When you cheat on someone, you steal a person’s right to honesty. When you kill someone, you obviously steal a life. When you try to manipulate someone’s feelings, you steal their peace of mind. It all boils down to theft. Yes I know…this is no original thought. I picked it up from “The Kite Runner”. But I just realized, the guy is right. The thought is so deep and of late I've been feeling a very deep connection to it.

The problem is…..someone has been stealing from me since a very long time. And now, I’m not liking it one bit. As a matter of fact, what started as minor irritation has turned into a major strong dislike for this certain someone. Ignorance they say is the best way to hurt someone without doing anything violent/ harmful/ malicious; but here’s the deal….this certain someone is so self-obsessed, it views being ignored as a sign of me having laid my weapons down in some form of surrender. What an idiot!

OK. Here are some questions I want you to think about before I spew the venom inside me.

1.       How do you feel about people who cite religious scriptures for the silliest of things and then do things which would perhaps bruise even the conscience of someone as stone-hearted as Hitler?

2.       How do you feel about people who think the whole world has nothing better to do but hatch conspiracies against them?

3.       How do you feel about people who condemn all things declared taboo by society, but secretly either wish they could do each one of them or actually go and do them?

4.       How do you feel about people who have a “chori…upar se seena jori” attitude. For the Hindi illiterate, literally translated it means someone who steals something and knows they've done something wrong and yet when someone questions him/ her, vindicates himself/herself with a lot of aggression.

5.       Lastly how do you feel about people who think that all the problems in the world, right from princess Diana's death to Manmohan Singh’s irritating silence is somehow related to them and is reason enough for them to crib about how miserable their lives are?

I don’t know about you, but there is only one emotion I feel about such a person. Very strong pity. This person needs to slow down. Probably get a shot of self-respect from the closest vaccination center and needs to undergo a major conscience transplant surgery as soon as possible. Her/his condition is way too critical. And though this is not a contagious disease, it is one which could suck out all the positive energy from anything or anyone who comes in contact with the patient. Of late, I've had the displeasure of being at a very disturbing and harmful proximity to one such patient, and the always cheerful, bubbly Arnimaal has been reduced to a venom spewing b***h from hell J

Someone told me, why do you let this person impact you to this extent that even the sight of him/ her makes your blood boil? Why do you expect from people? Well, here’s the answer. I generally don’t bother keeping expectations from people because I know how pathetic I myself am when it comes to living up to someone’s expectations if it doesn't suit me. However, I don’t create any illusions about my inability to live up to unreasonable expectations. I’m generally very clear in communicating my limitations and setting the right expectations. Being the naive idealist that I am, I expect the same from others, especially if they claim to be my “close and true” friends. When that doesn't happen, I snap! Simple.

But a person who says one thing and then goes and does something that’s completely contradictory to what they claim, I do get disappointed which leads to me getting angry and eventually distancing myself from the source of disappointment completely. I don’t think I’m too wrong in feeling disappointed. It’s healthy to have expectations from a person, especially the ones which are set by the person himself/herself.

If you can’t live up to the expectations that you yourself systematically set up in someone else’s mind, then as I said before, go get a self-respect vaccine and a conscience replacement surgery done as soon as possible. I know the certain someone I am writing about will never read this piece because he/she doesn't have the medium to access my blog, but I wish as hell that his/ her “well-wishers” share this with him/her. It would save me the displeasure of speaking to him/ her and would maybe even give him/ her the clarity that I ignore/ avoid him/her not because I've surrendered my weapons or something like that…..but that I think it is beneath me to even bother looking at such a person.

May “Allah” bestow some sense upon this one for the sake of all those who have to deal with him/ her on a daily and more permanent basis!