Far ahead of the horizons visible to the naked eye
Beyond the unknown depths of the unfathomable seas
And high above the heights of the infinite skies
Away from the malice and cruelties of this cold-blooded world
There is a place where I live with you.
The place which is beyond the ego that makes “you” and “me”
The place where all that really matters is “we”
The place where I dont need to see you to “see” you
The place where I dont need to hear you to “hear” you
The place where our silence speaks greater volumes than all our spoken words ever could
The place where we do the things we “want” to than the things that we “should”
The place where I fear nothing, not even losing you
The place where you believe with all your heart that I only belong to you
The place where your pain flows like dewdrops from my eyes
The place where my joys sparkle like diamonds in your smile
The place where we may stand apart, but still are one
The place where this journey finally ends and the place where it all begun
And inside the tranquility of that place is where I want to be
That walled sanctum of our love which exists inside you and inside me.

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